Sunday, July 29, 2007
Had a blast..
Went to sch early in the morning just now to send my students for a malay competition..
Alhamdulillah, they've tried their best i'm sure n everyone gets to go home wif a trophy.. satu satu muka gembira lah sgt.. hehe.. tapi best..
So went to a bbq gathering wif the gang in the afternoon..
Had a fun time n of cos lots of food.. (which at first i thought was little but in the end mcm banyak)..
Shld do more gatherings often so as to release my work stress n tension.. hehe..
After tat, me, dear, rashidah, lokman, farhan n wani went to catch a movie..
Of all the movies, we watched 'Alone'. Damn scary n i sooooo hate the sounds!
But overall, it is a gd movie.. it has an unexpected twist.. very interesting..
Lepas tu, seram sendiri.. haha.. but ok.. chill je beb.. hehe..
Thanks dear for coming along n be the target in the cinema cos of me being the scared one.. hehe..
Here r some pics..

PEACE out ...
..aYu_Uc.. remembered on 2:00 AM.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
2nd mth anniversary
Lovely surprise,
Wonderful dinner,
Excellent company,
Felt appreciated n loved,
U made my day,
Thank you,
Love U Dear!
PEACE out . . .
..aYu_Uc.. remembered on 11:55 PM.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Happy Engagement Shasha..
Happy engagement to Sharina n Raikal..
Congrats to both of u!
Moga kekal dan bahagia hendaknya.. Insyallah..
Pics will b up soon once the stealing process is completed.. hehhe..
Had a fun n tiring weekend.. but it was all worth it.. really enjoyed myself especially after a tiring, moody n ever-so-many-things-to-do-in-school friday..
oh well.. back to sch..
PEACE out...
..aYu_Uc.. remembered on 11:55 PM.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
PEACE out...
..aYu_Uc.. remembered on 5:40 PM.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Dewa Dewi Comp
Here r some pics of the Graduation Day..

Like wat Afah said in her blog, thanks support team!
Anyway, went to Expo just now with Dear's sis n mom..
Dear entered the Dewa Dewi contest.. he did his best i'm sure..
N i'm sooo loving the bajusssssss.. hai..
Congrats Dear for winning the 'Mr Personality' title.. touching.. mr personality kapa.. hehehe..
Anyway, congrats again.. u deserve it after such tiring practices.. Well done!
PEACE out...
..aYu_Uc.. remembered on 11:55 PM.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Graduation Day..
Today is the day that all of us are waiting for..
All our hardwork n perseverence have paid off..
It's Graduation Day!!
Started off wif lunch wif my dearest then head off to NTU..
Had fun taking pictures wif the lovelies n partners.. hehe..
Thank goodness never trip on stage wif the new heels.. hehe..
Pictures will b up once uploaded..
Congrats peers.. We r full-fledged teachers liao.. Got duty to serve the nation n the kids hor..
Mcm tak percaya gitu bila say the teachers' pledge.. hehe..
Anyway, well done teachers!
N Thank U Dear for ur company n presence.. really appreciate it..
Love U..
PEACE out...
..aYu_Uc.. remembered on 9:30 PM.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Retreat wif the colleagues..
Went bowling today wif the colleagues today as a form of retreat..
Really had fun wif all the crappings n the longkangs n the strikes..
The Kecohssssss..
Kusyuk tu...
Some of us..
The Gerekssss.. hehehe..
The team.. (absentees are Cg Sabariah n Cg Rosli)
So after tat the 3 of us went to collect our gowns.. Mcm2 pattern gitu..
So back to sch tmr n courses.. hai..
PEACE out..
..aYu_Uc.. remembered on 10:00 PM.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Birthday shoutouts..
Happy Bday Shasha!
Hope you had a wonderful bday bash yesterday n may you like all the gifts..
A year older, a year wiser,
May you have your wishes and may you have a bright future ahead!
Happy bday sweetie..
N yes, today is my dad's bday..
Happy bday pak!!
Hehe.. mcm lah dia baca blog..
first wk of sch was ok.. so far alhamdulillah..
kinda tired though maybe cos belum get used to the timing..
but afternoon session seems ok..
at least tak yah bersengkang mata to wake up really early.. hehe..
Happy youth day teachers!! hehe..
PEACE out ...
..aYu_Uc.. remembered on 7:00 PM.