Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Ok.. now can upload pics.. but i still cant open photobucket.. dont know y.. other ppl can open the link but i cant.. hai.. wateverlah kan..
Anywayyyyyyy... went on a date yesterday..
Had a nice time together..
Just walk2.. then go eat, then take pics.. then run2.. then jump2..
Lets just say, when i'm wif him, there's no chance i can 'cuci mata'..
So ..
Ini dia....... wahahhaa.. presenting.. Ikhsan!! (anak si afah tu)
Ni step 'anggek' ke step 'gangster' huh?
Looking far ahead to the future..
Ini dia malu ke dah tak kuasa dgn aku ni..........
Sittling like a man......
Ni siapa pimpin siapa ni.........
Oops.. afah, i just realised, aku tak upload gambar kau.. hehehhe.. sorry ah... pinjam anak kau jap.. heheheh..
PEACE out ...
..aYu_Uc.. remembered on 1:40 PM.