Wednesday, June 6, 2007
I've Passed!
Exam results r out.. n i've cleared all..
A little disappointed wif the practicum results but all is gd..
So now, ready to be a teacher??.. hehe..
A little scared but more to excitement i guess.. ceh ceh.. dah career woman kapa.. whahahaha..
So far dah kena buat wksheets, dah ade course to attend, meetings n competitionsssss right after the sch re-opens.. baru nak kenal2 dgn students dah kena gear them up for the competitions.. cantik...
Congrats to all who've cleared!!

My NIE classmate(Norlin) -cum-colleague-cum-gossip partner in sch.. hehe..
PEACE out..
..aYu_Uc.. remembered on 8:00 PM.