Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Wow!... It's been a long time since i've blogged..Hmm.. been busy wif work as usual..Hari raya for me is nice.. lots of meet-ups n food..Most prob i'll be posting my blog entries in multiply from now on.. So chicas, got multiply tak? cos i'm gonna make my multiply private.. afah dah settle cos dia dah ade multiply..Difficult ah to handle multiply n blogger.. dah lah aku ni pemalas kan, plus sibuk lak tu.. haiyoh..Raya pics ade di multiply dan frenster.. hehe.. PEACE out..
..aYu_Uc.. remembered on 11:50 PM.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I'm just irritated by myself
I'm just so pissed at myself
PEACE out. . .
..aYu_Uc.. remembered on 11:20 PM.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Happy Bday Fida!!
Yesterday the pink panther clan celebrated Fida's bday cum Iftar at Amirah's Grill.. It was a lovely gathering and all of us get to relive our childhood past-times by playing bunga mercun and blowing some balloons.. Had a nice n fun time wif them.. Happy bday Fida!!.. Here r some pics.. 
The Bday Girl

The Pink Panther Clan

So the gembira playing wif bunga api

Very jakun lor..

Team work will lead to victoryyyyy....
PEACE out...
..aYu_Uc.. remembered on 5:35 PM.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Happy Childrens' Day!
Happy Childrens' Day everybody!!
It feels gd to have a holiday on a monday..
Part ni aku suka jadi seorang guru.. hehehe..
Anyway, had a great time with Dear yesterday.. gd quality time spent..
Started off by going Geylang and bought some stuff for Raya..
Dear got himself a baju kurung.. very sweet lor the colour.. hehe..
I got some selendangs n thanks for the brooch dear, it's lovely..
Then bought a drink n otak2 for break fast in the car after which we headed to Changi Airport to have a proper dinner..
And of cos, me being me, just realised the existence of,
and was told by Dear tat it has been there for a long time already..

My date..
Then walk2 at Airport.. kutuk sana kutuk sini.. hehehe..
Then we went to AMK Hub to watch a movie.. hmmm.. wats the title eh?
I think it's "I Pronounce You Larry & Chuck".. i think ah..
a hilarious movie.. fun, loving and sweet movie too.. touching jugak lor..
So, went home after tat.. nice time with a lovely company..
Thanks dear.. lovin it..
PEACE out..
..aYu_Uc.. remembered on 12:50 PM.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
ChiCas & Partners Iftar @ Breeks..
So friday the chicas & partners had a meetup n iftar at Breeks.. (afah, next time must make it eh).. We had a nice dinner.. thanks to Nurul n Amin for being there first n booking the place.. nak harapkan aku lemau lah nampaknye..
So after tat decided to go Geylang to jln2.. hmmm... very the sesak n kecoh lor..
Amin met a LOT of frens there.. very popular lor tat guy..
Hafiz already like want to fight wif everyone cos of the crowd..
Dear was already complaining abt his oily face.. so vain lor..
Hai.. guys.. hehehe .. sorry eh.. gurau je..
So after one round of Geylang, all of us went home..
Looking forward to more meetups!!
Kereta siapa lak tu.. (hehe.. pinjam jap)
PEACE out..
..aYu_Uc.. remembered on 1:55 PM.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Selamat Berpuasa!
Selamat Berpuasa Everybody!
Wow, today very the lemau leh want to go sch after sahur.. ish ish..
Tiring day actually..
And my P1s.. hmm.. the cuties.. "Cikgu, laparlah.." "Cikgu, dah pukul brape?" "Cikgu, buka pukul brape?" "Cikgu, sakit perut ah.."
Nak aje aku ckp aku pun lapar... hehe..
Btw, shld i change to multiply solely? Hmm..
PEACE out..
..aYu_Uc.. remembered on 9:20 PM.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Chicas Day-Out
So wednesday the chicas had a meet-up session.. except for afah cos she got chendol n taking care of my boifren ikhsan..
We had a great time.. basically just chatting n gossipping abt the latest issues..
Crapping most of the time..
Shld have more of these meet-ups bebs.. really reduces the stress.. fah, next time throw away ur work for awhile.. or bring my boifren along also can..
Oh yah, i heard we fought? hmm.. tats latest news lor.. watever lah hor..
Chicas, u know better lah hor..
PEACE out ...
..aYu_Uc.. remembered on 3:15 PM.